Council of Badgers: allying to turn the tide

  • Course content

    If you find yourself reading these lines you will already have experienced a taste of today’s division and polarization. Most likely you will have experienced something that has been deeply unsettling, disturbing, confusing or bizarre. But that’s not enough.


    It is only as we come together to share and hear each other's limited experience and fragile wisdom that we do have a chance to get to the bottom of things. That we have a chance to tell the personal shadows that we project outwards onto a complex world from the collective reality that is unfolding in front of our very eyes. Only then can we learn to see clearly the wound that ails the land and its people: the source and the extent of today’s polarization and division.


    But seeing that which needs healing is not enough. We need to understand, every man for himself and in his very own way, the political, psychological and spiritual roots and dynamics underlying today’s polarization and division. We need to learn to see how that polarization and division has already taken hold of us personally: of our bodies, our minds, our souls and our spirits. How it has taken hold of us collectively: our relationships and our communities. How it is spreading and how far it has spread already. It is only then that we can hope to find the power to heal today’s polarization and division.


    The Council of Badgers is a follow-up to the Council of Ravens. If you have participated in the Council of Ravens and do now want to build up the clarity and willpower to move from realization to action, from recognizing the wound to healing the wound, the Council of Badgers is the perfect place to start. It is the space in which the threads of your future commitment in the world will be co-created with the support of a group and planted within the larger collective dream of the Earth.

  • What to expect

    You can expect a space of honest sharing and authentic listening. A space in which you can share your personal experiences with today’s polarization and division, how these encounters impacted you and what you think you have learned from these encounters and experiences, and what they might mean for us collectively.

    Using the opportunities provided by social media we will look into short audiovisual content to better understand what polarization and division looks like in real life. We will unleash the wisdom of the group to better understand what it is we see and hear, so we can free ourselves from the personal projections and believes that stand in the way of us seeing clearly what has been unfolding for some time now.

    And most importantly we will share how all of this impacts us bodily, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We will speak of the images that are conjured up in our minds when facing the great wound of our times.


    Methodically we will employ a mix of audiovisual content, council methods and digital tools that visually support our exploration. We will share in full council and in small groups. We will immerse ourselves in the longings of the world. Into visions and dreams. And in so doing we will co-create a colorful and empowering tapestry of longing, dream and vision. It is from this tapestry that the threads of your very own and deeply personal vision will be born. Threads that will, properly sheltered and nourished, develop into a full-blown vision with the clarity and power necessary to heal today’s polarization and division.


    Participating in the Council of Badgers is a commitment of time and energy. A commitment that will go beyond simply attending the online sessions. The group process will only work if everyone spends at least 2-3 hours every week to follow up on their developing threads, record their observations and experiences, and takes enough time out to contemplate the Council of Badgers experience.

    You will receive more precise details on how we are going to work at least 14 days before the first session of the Council of Badgers.

  • Course times and dates

    to be decided

  • Course details

    to be decided