The Learning Edge: A Book Club for Men

There are themes running through my life that I might never fully lay to rest. They seem so deeply interwoven with my deeper self that they power a curiosity that propels me forward into the unknown, into territories that are yet to be charted. My wife teasingly calls this my learning edge. At that edge my understanding of life is still unformed, my imagination is still untamed and I experience a joy that is only found in adventure.

Let me take you on that adventure. Let’s make it our adventure. Let me show you my learning edge. Let’s make it our learning edge. Let us share what we have collected so far in knowledge, in experience and in wisdom. Aren’t we all just journeymen in a world that is mysterious beyond belief.

  • Classics of Men’s work

    Let’s read “King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine masculinity” an absolute classic in men’s work written by the renowned Analytical Psychologist Robert L. Moore.

    A powerful book that is easily accessible but at times a little cryptic. Perfect for a book club.


  • Questing for the Grail!

    We are going to read “Gawain and the Grail Quest: Healing the Waste Land in Our Time” a little known book from the Welsh author Jeffrey J. Dixon, who spent his life studying and researching the Myth of the Grail.

    A well research and very profound book that cuts to the core of the contemporary spiritual disaster. In parts difficult to read and therefore definitely for the more academically inclined.


  • Mental Illness or Spiritual Crisis?

    Books like the “Trials of the Visionary Mind: Spiritual Emergency and the Renewal Process” by disgraced Analytical Psychologist John W. Perry need to best be contained in a group.

    A very profound and in parts disturbing book for those who wanted to understand the reality of psychosis and schizophrenia, as well as the conditions of it’s social construction.


  • Men Who Face Conflict

    We will start by reading selected chapters from “Authenticity Relationship Confrontation: Embodied Buddhist mindfulness in Communication and Conflict” from Austrian mediator and scholar of Buddhism Ulrich Schoisswohl. Yes, that’s me.

    For those who want to explore the theoretical and practical reality of the experience of conflict and confrontation so that their relationships can evolve and grow like never before.