Healing the Polarization and Division of our Times:
A Call to Adventure for Contemporary Men

In a cultural climate rife with polarization and division, we can no longer allow ourselves to blissfully rest in spiritually induced political chastity.  Whether we like it or not, we need to get to the bottom of things. We need to know what the hell is really going on. We need to face the political to move beyond the political. And we need to start taking responsibility where we can. We need to engage in what I have come to call the politics of the here and now.

The Call to Adventure for Contemporary Men is a spiritual expedition into the heart of the polarization and division that plagues or times and the creative quest of its healing.

These are the first four stages of your adventure:

  • Stage 1: In the Council of Ravens we will share our insights and our experience with respect to the sources and the extant of the current division and polarization.

  • Stage 2: In the Council of Badgers we will unleash our collective inspiration and vision to identify creative ways in which we can stand up to division and polarization.

  • Stage 3: A Vision Fast: You will be sent out on the land to fast and pray for your soul’s vision. Every man by himself.

  • Stage 4: The Council of Vision Keepers will hold you and help you during the period in which you attempt to manifest your soul’s vision.

With a vision of an apocalyptic wasteland looming on a darkening horizon there is not time to waste. Even with our attention bound up with a changing natural world it is hard to miss that something else is afoot. A dark spell holds sway over the land. A certain toxicity has entered the blood stream of society showing itself in unknown polarization and division. If ever, now is the time to seek vision. But before we set out on our quest, every man by himself, before we commune with the divine, we need to convene in council.

WARNING: Participating in this expedition might lead to a lifelong commitment you cannot refuse.

  • Council of Ravens

    In the Council of Ravens we will share our insights and our experience with respect to the sources, the extant and the logics of the current division and polarization.


  • Council of Badgers

    In the Council of Badgers we will unleash our collective inspiration and vision to identify creative ways in which we can stand up to division and polarization.

    currently no dates


  • Council of Vision Keepers

    The Council of Vision Keepers will hold you and help you during the period in which you attempt to manifest your soul’s vision.

    You will receive more detailed information once you have committed to a vision fast.